VYNIKAJÍCÍ Na základě 40 hodnocení Katrine Kjaer Noergaard2025-01-12Trustindex ověřuje, že původní zdroj recenze je Google. Super good service. Helpful in every way. Quickly and take very good care of the furniture and things. I highly recommend. Josi Lima2024-11-23Trustindex ověřuje, že původní zdroj recenze je Google. They were on time and quickly in moving everything with care. I really recommend their service as efficient and honest price. Michael Vondra2024-11-05Trustindex ověřuje, že původní zdroj recenze je Google. Firmu Which Way mohu všem jen doporučit. Od prvního kontaktu po poslední krabici šlo vše jako po másle! Komunikace s týmem byla profesionální, rychlá a vždy hned ochotně odpověděli na všechny moje otázky. Pánové dorazili přesně na čas, a díky jejich organizovanému přístupu a perfektní koordinaci bylo stěhování hotové rychleji, než jsem čekal. Oceňuji také pečlivost, se kterou zacházeli s mým nábytkem a osobními věcmi – vše dorazilo bez jediného škrábance! Skvělý zákaznický přístup a vysoká profesionalita jsou určitě důvody, proč bych se na Which Way obrátil znovu a proč je mohu všem, kdo plánují stěhování, srdečně doporučit. Děkuji za skvělé služby! Lukáš Hromek2024-09-29Trustindex ověřuje, že původní zdroj recenze je Google. TOP pánové stěhováci, stěhování bylo opravdu rychlé, přijemné a navíc za super cenu, díky moc! Francesco P.2024-09-09Trustindex ověřuje, že původní zdroj recenze je Google. The company managed my transfer from Czech Republic to Germany. Booking, packing, transport and delivery were handled professionally and with great efficiency. A special thank you to the workers that managed the moving in buildings without lift with great energy and motivation. Communication with the company was great the whole time. It was possible to communicate in English via e-mail or by phone, answers came back always in short time. krystian wojcik2024-08-08Trustindex ověřuje, že původní zdroj recenze je Google. Outstanding Service from Start to Finish - Highly Recommended! I recently used WhichWay for an international move, and I couldn't be more impressed with their service. They handled everything from packing up our entire home to storing our belongings and finally moving them to our new country. The entire process was seamless. The team at WhichWay demonstrated the utmost care and professionalism. They meticulously packed all our belongings, ensuring that everything was securely wrapped and protected. Not a single item was damaged during the move—a testament to their expertise and attention to detail. The staff were friendly, efficient, and highly skilled. They made what could have been a stressful experience incredibly smooth and easy. Communication was excellent throughout the process, and they kept us informed every step of the way. I highly recommend WhichWay to anyone in need of moving services, especially for complex, long-distance, or international moves. Their top-level service and dedication to customer satisfaction make them stand out. I would 100% use their services again! Jakub Čech2024-05-08Trustindex ověřuje, že původní zdroj recenze je Google. Páni z Which Way nám poskytli veľmi špecifickú službu rozloženia, presunu a zloženia prístroja kde bolo potrebné zaškolenie, opatrnosť, nápaditosť a zručnosť. Všetko prebehlo na čas, korektne a profesionálne. Ďakujem. Monika Kamzíková2024-05-07Trustindex ověřuje, že původní zdroj recenze je Google. Stěhovali jsme se ze Salzburgu do Vídně-pro kluky žádný problém! Po stěhování našich věcí ze Salzburgu zvládli ještě vynosit plný kamion nového nábytku. Ač jsme pro kluky připravili cca 20 hodinou šichtu, zvládli jí na jedničku! Mockrát děkujeme za profesionalitu a přátelský přístup. Nemohli jsme si vybrat lépe. :-)
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Velká spokojenost
Firma Which Way je velmi profesionální. Svělá komunikace, rychlé a vstřícné vyřízení, bezpečně dopraveno bez sebemenšího poškozeno za priznivou cenu. Vřele doporučuji!!
Firma Which Way je velmi profesionální. Svělá komunikace, rychlé a vstřícné vyřízení, bezpečně dopraveno bez sebemenšího poškozeno za priznivou cenu. Vřele doporučuji!!
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Best professional services with affordable price
Which Way recently helped me with my relocation from Prague to Spain - Valencia. They offered me with all the professional services anyone would need for a very affordable price, everything you need from dismantling, packaging, loading, unloading and unpacking, I did not have to do anything. they even securely stored my stuff for a month until I found my new forever house and delivered everything without delay or any issues. The team is very friendly and provide a professional and affordable prices what else you will need?
Which Way recently helped me with my relocation from Prague to Spain - Valencia. They offered me with all the professional services anyone would need for a very affordable price, everything you need from dismantling, packaging, loading, unloading and unpacking, I did not have to do anything. they even securely stored my stuff for a month until I found my new forever house and delivered everything without delay or any issues. The team is very friendly and provide a professional and affordable prices what else you will need?
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Great choice!
We moved from Dresden to south of Germany with 2.ww and Zdenek and David were really amazing in mastering to fit all our things in the truck and arrived on the same day at destination. I can only highly recommend them, the guys are really professional in what they are doing and at the same time very friendly and inventive in overwhelming all kinds of small or bigger unexpected challenges. You can rely on them that they will move your whole house safely and in time wherever you need to go.
We moved from Dresden to south of Germany with 2.ww and Zdenek and David were really amazing in mastering to fit all our things in the truck and arrived on the same day at destination. I can only highly recommend them, the guys are really professional in what they are doing and at the same time very friendly and inventive in overwhelming all kinds of small or bigger unexpected challenges. You can rely on them that they will move your whole house safely and in time wherever you need to go.
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Praha-Berlin: 5 stars move!
Se sei alla ricerca di una ditta di traslochi con la quale trasferirti all’estero which way è la risposta giusta: servizio professionale, onesto e amichevole per un ottimo prezzo. Penso sia la miglior ditta di traslochi a Praha! - If you need somebody professional, friendly and honest this is the right way to go! I moved from Prague to Berlin and I experienced a perfect service for a very convenient price. The move went smooth and my belongings arrived safe and sound to destination: Highly recommended!! Thank you guys!
Se sei alla ricerca di una ditta di traslochi con la quale trasferirti all’estero which way è la risposta giusta: servizio professionale, onesto e amichevole per un ottimo prezzo. Penso sia la miglior ditta di traslochi a Praha! - If you need somebody professional, friendly and honest this is the right way to go! I moved from Prague to Berlin and I experienced a perfect service for a very convenient price. The move went smooth and my belongings arrived safe and sound to destination: Highly recommended!! Thank you guys!
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Umzug aus dem Ausland, Verlässlichkeit und perfekter Service. Kann ich nur empfehlen.
Umzug aus dem Ausland, Verlässlichkeit und perfekter Service. Kann ich nur empfehlen.
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Perfektní firma
Potřeboval jsem přestěhovat koncertní piano, ostatní firmy nebyly ochotný jen jeden kus stěhovat z Písku do Ostravy. Tato firma Which Way nejenže souhlasila, ale i navrhla postup,datum a cenu, která byla velmi příznivá. Skvělá komunikace,rychlé a vstřícné vyřízení, bezpečně dopraveno bez sebemenšího poškození. Vřele doporučuji
Potřeboval jsem přestěhovat koncertní piano, ostatní firmy nebyly ochotný jen jeden kus stěhovat z Písku do Ostravy. Tato firma Which Way nejenže souhlasila, ale i navrhla postup,datum a cenu, která byla velmi příznivá. Skvělá komunikace,rychlé a vstřícné vyřízení, bezpečně dopraveno bez sebemenšího poškození. Vřele doporučuji
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Perfektní domluva i služby
Kluci z Which Way mě doslova zachránili, když mi jiní stěhováci zrušili termín den před stěhováním. Naprosto skvělá komunikace po telefonu, včas na domluveném místě, pracují efektivně, rychle, ale zároveň jsou profíci s potřebným vybavením (popruhy, obalový materiál atd.) a dbají na bezpečnost. Příště bych si je zvolila znovu. Díky! 🙂
Kluci z Which Way mě doslova zachránili, když mi jiní stěhováci zrušili termín den před stěhováním. Naprosto skvělá komunikace po telefonu, včas na domluveném místě, pracují efektivně, rychle, ale zároveň jsou profíci s potřebným vybavením (popruhy, obalový materiál atd.) a dbají na bezpečnost. Příště bych si je zvolila znovu. Díky! 🙂
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WHICH WAY is the Best option for the moving. 포장이사는 위치웨이와 함께!!!
If you need someone to take care of you for the moving in Prague/Praha, WHICH WAY is THE ONE you are looking for. Best quality! Worth the price you pay. They are quick, honest, reliable, professional and good woth communication. They speak perfect English so no need to worry about Czech! 혹시 한국인 중에 프라하에서 이사를 생각하신다면 WHICH WAY를 추천합니다. 포장이사까지도 진행해주시고, 정말 진심으로 친절+빠른 응대+확실한 서비스를 제공해줍니다. 솔직히 한국과 비교하면 유럽 와서 답답할 때가 많은데 포장이사만큼은 속시원하게 진행해주셔서 완전 강추합니다.
If you need someone to take care of you for the moving in Prague/Praha, WHICH WAY is THE ONE you are looking for. Best quality! Worth the price you pay. They are quick, honest, reliable, professional and good woth communication. They speak perfect English so no need to worry about Czech! 혹시 한국인 중에 프라하에서 이사를 생각하신다면 WHICH WAY를 추천합니다. 포장이사까지도 진행해주시고, 정말 진심으로 친절+빠른 응대+확실한 서비스를 제공해줍니다. 솔직히 한국과 비교하면 유럽 와서 답답할 때가 많은데 포장이사만큼은 속시원하게 진행해주셔서 완전 강추합니다.
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Best Moving Company
Meine Frau und ich sind letzten Monat von Prag nach München gezogen. Wir waren so froh WhichWay gefunden zu haben. Der Service 1A. Freundlich, professionell, schnell und ordentlich. Nichts ist kaputt gegangen und alles ist heil in München angekommen. Wenn ihr umziehen solltet dann nur mit WhichWay. We have moved from Prague to Munich last month. The service was great. Quick, professional and really friendly. We were really happy finding these guys. The communication was in English and very good. If you have to move within CZ or Europe I would definitely recommend and also hire them again.
Meine Frau und ich sind letzten Monat von Prag nach München gezogen. Wir waren so froh WhichWay gefunden zu haben. Der Service 1A. Freundlich, professionell, schnell und ordentlich. Nichts ist kaputt gegangen und alles ist heil in München angekommen. Wenn ihr umziehen solltet dann nur mit WhichWay. We have moved from Prague to Munich last month. The service was great. Quick, professional and really friendly. We were really happy finding these guys. The communication was in English and very good. If you have to move within CZ or Europe I would definitely recommend and also hire them again.
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Výborný servis, od úvodní schůzky, při které jsme domluvili co a jak, až po stěhování samotné. Pánové jsou sehraný tým - rychlí, efektivní a přitom velmi opatrní. Vše zabalili, nic nerozbili. Oceňuji vysokou profesionalitu, díky které vše proběhlo ultrahladce.
Výborný servis, od úvodní schůzky, při které jsme domluvili co a jak, až po stěhování samotné. Pánové jsou sehraný tým - rychlí, efektivní a přitom velmi opatrní. Vše zabalili, nic nerozbili. Oceňuji vysokou profesionalitu, díky které vše proběhlo ultrahladce.
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Do not look anywhere else. Just hire and be happy.
You have to move in the Czech Republic? Do not search further, just hire these guys and be happy. Seriously. I have been through a few moves in CZ and couldn't believe how bad moving companies around here are. So glad, I finally found these guys! This was by far the easiest, most professional and fastest moving I have seen in the Czech Republic so far. English communication was perfectly fine and at all times helpful and friendly even though we had some very late changes all went well and with a smile! After the first call, two guys came to our apartment to measure what we need, how many boxes, if we want them to pack it or we do it ourselves. We then got the contract via mail. One day before moving they called us if everythings will work as planned and even though we had some very late unfortunate changes (sorry about that) they were super friendly and willing to help and figure out what to do about it. The move itself was quick, without any damages and always friendly. Thank you so much!
You have to move in the Czech Republic? Do not search further, just hire these guys and be happy. Seriously. I have been through a few moves in CZ and couldn't believe how bad moving companies around here are. So glad, I finally found these guys! This was by far the easiest, most professional and fastest moving I have seen in the Czech Republic so far. English communication was perfectly fine and at all times helpful and friendly even though we had some very late changes all went well and with a smile! After the first call, two guys came to our apartment to measure what we need, how many boxes, if we want them to pack it or we do it ourselves. We then got the contract via mail. One day before moving they called us if everythings will work as planned and even though we had some very late unfortunate changes (sorry about that) they were super friendly and willing to help and figure out what to do about it. The move itself was quick, without any damages and always friendly. Thank you so much!
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Bezvadná spolupráce od začátku až do konce – opravdu oceňuji flexibilitu ze strany WW – jak při domlouvání termínu, tak i při samotném stěhování. Pánové se na vše přišli podívat, aby udělali rozumnou nabídku a časový plán. Velké věci rozmontovali a zase smontovali na novém místě, menší pečlivě převezli - cestou neustřelili žádný roh ani žádná futra, a opravdu nic se nerozbilo 🙂 Jednoznačně doporučuji.
Bezvadná spolupráce od začátku až do konce – opravdu oceňuji flexibilitu ze strany WW – jak při domlouvání termínu, tak i při samotném stěhování. Pánové se na vše přišli podívat, aby udělali rozumnou nabídku a časový plán. Velké věci rozmontovali a zase smontovali na novém místě, menší pečlivě převezli - cestou neustřelili žádný roh ani žádná futra, a opravdu nic se nerozbilo 🙂 Jednoznačně doporučuji.